Sunday, March 20, 2005

Unleashing the Warrior Within: Prince of Persia, The Game

Game Prince of Persia Warrior Within keren abis!!! Evolusi dari game klasik zaman komputer berprosesor 100 MHz(?) dengan citra 2 dimensi dan 3 warna menjadi sebuah game 5 star rated dengan gameplay 4 dimensi (including Time. Play the game, and you will understand).

By the way, sebenarnya bukan saya yang namatin game itu. Adalah si Herwasto temen satu asrama yang asli freak game yang namatin game itu 2 kali dalam waktu 1 minggu (see? that's what I call freak). Saya cuma navigator, bantu2 nyari jalan n solving the killer puzzle.

If you see the Prince's combat style, you will wonder if anyone have that kind of agility and reflex. The only one I can compare to the Prince is Riddick. Those characters rock the Universe!!!!

(POP Warrior Within)

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